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Documentation Alloccasions

Create Rapport, Get result of Rapport, Search for specialist and Initiate inspections, all in one place.

Generate API KEY
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.alloccasions.fr/api/create.php'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{
"login": "alloccasions",
"pass": "ehgeghpoetgutghr5h4r6zhrhrtz4yhzrt747",
"user": "13982805615fd3e81e370895.69426161",
"generate": 1


Getting started

Learn how to create rapport and obtain the result by API, make appointment with specialist or embed the search engine directly to your website.


Step-by-step guides to setting up your first API call.

Architecture guide

Learn how the internals work and contribute.


All our projects and partners are available here.

Example rapport

An example result of a rapport.

with Alloccasions, you can create rapport, fill them by API, or let our interface do the work and then retrieve the result with our API to use it in your website. You can also search for specialist, see their availability, make appointment and retrieve the result of the inspection inside a fully workable rapport.

You can also find all our projects here